“Skin Is On Fire”: US Woman Suffers Horrific Injuries After Being Bitten By Deadly Spiders

A 44-year-old woman in the United States has been left with horrific injuries after being attacked by a cluster of highly venomous spiders. According to the New York Post, Jessica Rogue was cleaning out a shed outside her home in Atlanta when she encountered several brown recluse spiders. Less than 24 hours later, she was rushed to the hospital as her face, arms and throat swelled up and she was covered in rashes. 

A bite of a brown recluse spider can cause necrotic (rotting) skin lesions and lead to serious reactions or even death in some. In Ms Rogue’s case, the brown recluse spiders bit her in multiple places. As per Post, She suffered horrific injuries, with her face swollen and her skin feeling “on fire”. 

“I was just in there sweeping, I immediately felt something on my face next to my eye. I felt I got bit,” Ms Rogue said. “There were spiders on me. Where I was, it was a really messy web, and I was trying to clean that up,” she continued. 

According to her GoFundMe page, the 44-year-old suffered numbness and loss of mobility in her hand and foot too. And she said she is “really worried” about her eye. “My eye is, I’m having a lot of pain. I just don’t know what’s going to happen with my eye,” she told the local news outlet while wearing an eyepatch.

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A GoFundMe to help Ms Rogue with medical costs has collected $8,097. “She has numbness and loss of mobility in her hand and foot (still unsure if it’s temporary or permanent yet) and her skin is on fire,” fundraiser organiser Morgan Underwood wrote. “She’s unable to work and has three beautiful daughters,” the page read. 

In an update, Ms Underwood added that Ms Rogue is out of hospital and recovering. “The swelling on her face has gone down a great deal,” it is “now covered in an itchy, painful rash,” the page read. “Her arms, neck and chest are also covered in an itchy, painful rash, and the areas where she was bitten are blistered up, so we’re keeping an eye on that,” the update said.

Notably, the brown recluse spider is the most common and widespread of the brown spiders, but it is usually found only in the South and Central United States. It is a small species that can grow up to 0.5 inches long. Its bite, however, can pack a powerful venomous punch. 

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