Farah Khan has returned to Mumbai after a trip, but her foodie updates have not stopped. The star recently took to Instagram to share another reel proving her passion for delicious delights. Farah decided to enjoy some food in between shoots in the city. She was accompanied by the entrepreneur and influencer Raj Shamani. She took the video while the duo were at the table at a humble eating joint called South Tiffin House. In the reel, she is heard saying, “We’re in the exotic locales of Kandivali where we’re eating some mind-blowing South Indian food with the very popular Raj Shamani.”
Also Read: Farah Khan Is Not Happy With Shilpa Shetty As Her Flight Companion – Here’s Why
The plate in front of them holds five types of idli. It is surrounded by bowls of chutneys and sambar. Pointing at one of the idlis, Farah asks the server why it is black in colour. He clarifies that it is a “charcoal cheese burst” idli. He proceeds to name the other types of idli on the plate: lava sambar, Kanchipuram, steamed and ragi. Farah asks Raj which one he will eat first and he chooses the lava sambar idli. After he tastes it, he says tastes good. She asks him, “Theek hai ki achi hai?” [“Is it fine or is it good?”] He insists that it’s the latter, but Farah doesn’t seem very convinced.
Also Read: Watch: Farah Khan And Malaika Arora Enjoyed A Special Biryani Made By Arshad Warsi
In the caption, she wrote, “Shoots are always fun with food! Waiting in between shots with @rajshamani .. getting some business advice to boot.” Take a look at her reel below:
Before this, Farah enjoyed seafood delicacies in Karnataka. She posted multiple updates on her Instagram stories. The first clip showed a variety of yummy dishes on banana leaves. The text on the video read, “Missing Shirish Kunder in his hometown. Here with Sanjyot Keer at the best seafood place.” Click here to read the full article.
Also Read: To “Father Of The Year” Shirish Kunder, Special Message From Farah Khan. Bonus: Yummy Food