Alia Bhatt’s sartorial choices never fail to leave fashionistas spellbound. The actress’s ethnic picks create a perfect mood board for all things elegant. So, when Alia was attending the Ram Temple inauguration in Ayodhya on Monday, she made sure that we were impressed with her graceful charm. For the grand consecration ceremony, Alia draped herself in a turquoise blue Mysore silk saree, coming from the shelves of clothingMadhurya Creations. While Alia’s ethnic picks are always stunning, her saree for the occasion caught our attention for other reasons too. This piece was adorned with intricate hand paintings of “important scenes from the Ramayana” as captioned by her stylist Ami Patel who is also the brainchild behind Madhurya Creations. These miniature paintings, which were done in traditional Pattachitra style, took a hundred hours to complete. Alia styled the saree with a matching blouse and a matching pashmina shawl from the clothing label Dusala. The actress rounded off her look with a middle-parted low bun and her signature minimal makeup. A pair of gold danglers were just the only accessory she wore on the occasion along with her matching potli bag.
Alia Bhatt appears to be in love with sarees. We say this as the actress was recently spotted in a stunning drape by Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla when she appeared at the Joy Awards in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The actress channelled her inner royalty, as she wore a bright red and blue Ajrakh print saree with gold patterns and embellishments. Alia styled the mesmerising drape with a matching strapless blouse. Making a stunning case for fusion looks, Alia carried a similar patterned blue-hued cape, with one end resting on one shoulder and the other tied around her wrist. The rest of the charm was added by her half-tied middle-parted tresses that were styled in wavy ends. Her traditional look attained its final touch with golden chain earrings that were attached to her hair.
Alia Bhatt slaying in the gorgeous custom-made silver saree that she wore for the opening of NMACC was one of her best saree looks of all time. Coming from the shelves of Vaishali S, the shimmery drape featured an overall pleated detailing. The actress paired the drape with an intricately designed strapless blouse, adorned with floral motifs. The individually stitched floral motifs on the blouse, talk in length about the dedication and artisanal work behind this custom drape.
To attend a friend’s wedding recently, Alia Bhatt wore a striking yellow saree, which was custom-made by the clothingAnavila. The ethereal piece highlighted subtle aviary patterns with house sparrows, cranes and fawns, along with banana leaves and blooming flowers. The lively-hued saree was crafted with hand applique and aari embroidery. Giving her traditional look a quirky touch, Alia tied her middle-parted tresses in two sleek braids.
Thank you, Alia Bhatt, for solving our wardrobe dilemmas every single time.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt’s “Dopamine Dressing” At The Animal Success Party Is The Best Antidote To Winter Blues
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