Beat The Winter Blues: 5 Yoga Asanas That Will Boost Your Mood

There can be several reasons why people feel sad and unmotivated during winter, including the lack of sunlight, decreased physical activity, and changes in serotonin levels. However, practicing yoga can help boost mood during winters by reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and improving overall well-being. Keep reading as we discuss some yoga asanas that might be helpful and share how to perform them.

Here are yoga asanas that can assist in uplifting your mood in winter:

1. Ustrasana

Sit while resting on your calves and kneesYour thighs should not be touching your calvesNow slowly place your hands on your ankleAt this point, your face should be facing the ceilingHold this position for 10-20 seconds and repeat for 3-5 minutes

2. Setu Bandhasana

Put your feet firmly on the ground while lying down on your back with the knees bentLegs should remain hip-width apart at this pointWith the palms facing down, position your hands at your sidesInhale, then gently lift your hips off the floor while rolling your spine upPress your feet firmly into the groundTo raise your hips higher, try to tighten your hipsReturn to your normal position after holding this position for 4–8 breaths

3. Vrikshasana

Stand straightRaise your arms the hold them straight toward the ceilingNow lift either one of your legs and place your feet on the other thighYou can rest your right foot on the left knee on the side or anywhere from that to the thighIdeally, your foot should be as far up on your thigh as it can getHold this position for 30 seconds and repeat 4-5 times minimum

4. Balasana

Sit straight with your legs foldedAt this point, your feet are supposed to be facing upwardsNow, slowly bend your torso forward on the floorAt this point, your arms should be extending forward as well, as far as possibleYour face should also be facing the floor as well as your palmsYour calves, forehead, and palms should all be touching the ground in this positionAs it only stretches your body and is a resting pose, it provides comfort and relaxationHold this position for 10-15 seconds and perform 4-5 sets daily.

5. Viparita karani

In this pose, you require to hold your legs above your headTo do so, traditionally, you lay on your back and lift your legs above the ground at a 90-degree angleYou further, use your arms to push your legs to lift furtherAt this point, the only body parts touching the ground are your head, arms (from shoulder to elbows), and upper backYour toes are supposed to be facing the skyHowever, being able to do this asana comfortably takes time and practice. Hence, you can try using the support of a wall to rest your legs at a 90 degrees angleTo better perform this asana as a beginner, you can place 1-2 pillows under your lower back to further elevate the body with exterior support

Remember to listen to your body and practice within your limits. It is always advisable to practice under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor, especially if you are new to yoga.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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