
BSEB Results 2024: Bihar Board Announces Intermediate Results, 87.21% Students Qualify

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has announced the results of the Class 12 or Intermediate exams. Students who appeared in the exam will be able to check their scores by visiting the official website, biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in. They will be required to enter their roll number to access the results.

As per the information shared by BSEB chairman Anand Kishore, Mrityunjay Kumar from Siwan topped the Science stream with 96.20%, Tushar Kumar from Patna topped Arts stream with 96.40% and Priya Kumari from Sheikhpura has bagged the first rank in Commerce stream with 95.60%

Girls have once again outperformed boys in the Inter final examination. The pass percentage of girl students is 88.11%, while that of boys is 85.69%. The overall pass percentage of the students is 87.21%.

The Class 12 exams were conducted between February 1 and February 12. Last year, the results were announced on March 21.

Students who are not satisfied with their Bihar 12th result can request for scrutiny, verification, or re-counting of marks from March 28, 2024.

This year, the Intermediate examination saw the participation of 13,04,352 students. Among them, 6,26,431 were female students and 6,77,921 were male students. The exams took place in 1,523 examination centers across the state.

BSEB Class 12 Result: Steps To Download The Result

Step 1- Visit the official BSEB website.Step 2- Navigate to the Results section on the homepage.Step 3- Select the link provided for BSEB Class 12 Result 2024.Step 4- Enter your login details and proceed.Step 5- Bihar Board Class 12 result will appear on the screen.Step  6- Download it and print a copy for future reference.

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