Cafe Owner In Australia Throws Out Family Of Crying Children, Internet Reacts

A cafe owner in Australia has sparked a discussion on social media after he kicked out the family of four whose children were reportedly crying, according to New York Post. The mother of the children, Laura Edwards, watched in horror as the management of Adele’s Cafe on Magnetic Island threatened to call police if the family didn’t leave. She called for a boycott of the shop but her request sparked a debate online, with many users saying the cafe owner’s actions were correct, the outlet further said.

Ms Edwards posted a video of the Italian cafe online and said, “Adelle’s Cafe – do not support. Absolutely disgusting. Don’t support this business.”

A child’s cries can be heard in the background of the clip, as per the Post report..

Adrian Dalloste, the owner of the eatery, told a local outlet that the tantrum-throwing children were crying for 15 minutes before he took the action.

“Both children became upset when told they would be sharing a gelato between them, one of the children swiped decorations from the counter and threw a steel flask on the tile floor,” Mr Dalloste was quoted as saying by the Post.

He said their cries were so loud that it was bothering other customers.

“For approximately 15 minutes the children were crying and screaming disturbing the other clientele trying to enjoy their meals and the ambiance of the cafe. The crying and screaming was constant and loud,” said Mr Dalloste.

The man said he politely asked the family to leave, but they became combative and refused to leave unless he threatened to call the police.

Though his actions were slammed by the family, Mr Dalloste found support on social media.

“Good on the business owner, I would of done the exact same thing. He has a duty to make sure everyone has an enjoyable experience. I have kids and when they were little, if they carried on like little brats I would of packed up and left out of the respect for others,” one X user commented.

“Responsible parents should either have taught said children how to behave and show respect for others or remove them from annoying others,” another user said.

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