Delhi Woman Suffocates To Death After Fire Breaks Out At Home

A 40-year-old woman was asphyxiated to death after a fire broke out in a DDA flat in northeast Delhi’s Welcome area on Monday, fire department officials said.

“We received a call at 3.15 pm regarding a fire at a double-storey house. Two fire engines were pressed into service which took two hours to douse the flames,” Delhi Fire Services chief Atul Garg said.

Atul Garg added that the fire was doused a little after 5 pm.

The air conditioner and the electricity meter were fire, Atul Garg said, adding that during the search operation, a woman was found unconscious due to smoke inhalation.

She was declared dead by a nursing assistant of a CATS Ambulance, the official said.

“The victim was identified as Bhawna,” Atul Garg said. 

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