Experiencing Frequent Mood Swings? Here Are 7 Possible Causes

Abrupt changes in mood, commonly known as mood swings are quite common. From work-related stress to your hormones, several factors affect how your mood shifts throughout the day. Mood swings are natural and aren’t a cause of concern. However, in some cases, mood swings can be an outcome of some mental, physical or emotional health condition. Serious shifts in mood may also require medical interventions. In such cases, both lifestyle and medication can help manage the condition. But first, it is crucial to know the causes of frequent mood swings. Read on to know some of these.

Possible causes of mood swings

1. PMS, menopause, pregnancy or postpartum

From the first period to menopause, a woman goes through several changes both physically and mentally. PMS, menopause, pregnancy and postpartum, all affect your hormones. These major fluctuations in your hormones can trigger mood swings. However, these mood swings can be managed effectively with diet and lifestyle changes.

2. Sleep deprivation

Your sleep pattern affects your health in more ways than one. Your brain and body recover while you sleep. If you have not slept properly the previous night, you are more likely to be cranky throughout the day. So, fix your sleep schedule to eliminate mood swings.

3. Low blood sugar

Low blood sugar levels can also affect your mood. This usually happens when you have not eaten anything for too long. Extremely long gaps between meals can cause low blood sugar levels and make you hangry – angry and hungry at the same time. Therefore, avoid staying hungry for too long.

4. Conditions like bipolar disorder

Several conditions can contribute to frequent mood swings. Some of these include bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety issues, borderline personality disorder, ADHD and more.

5. Hormones

When there are fluctuations in the amount of hormones your body produces, you may experience changes in mood. Therefore, a hormonal balance is extremely important for your overall health as well as mood.

6. Medication

High doses of some medicines may affect your mood. When you are prescribed new medicines, pay attention to how you feel after consuming them. If you notice extreme changes in your mood, talk to your doctor.

7. Diet

Too much consumption of sugar and caffeine can also affect how your brain functions. A healthy, well-balanced diet can help you prevent unnecessary mood swings.

If your mood swings are hard to manage and are interfering with your day-to-day activities, seek medical help. A doctor might help you deal with the underlying issue effectively.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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