
Food Authority Launches Innitiatves To Control Food Adulteration In India

Food adulteration has been a major concern across India. Now and then, we come across news of people getting affected by eating foods, that are contaminated in some way or the other. To tackle the situation, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has recently launched initiatives to detect and control the issues of food adulteration. According to a report in ANI, the food regulation authority is emphasizing its commitment to ensure the integrity of the food supply chain, further safeguarding public health.

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FSSAI Initiative 1:

The FSSAI website launched a “Detect Adulteration with Rapid Test (DART) Book”, serving as a guide for consumers to identify common food adulterants in household items. The guidebook contains 50 quick tests, covering foods from different categories including milk, oil, sugar, and spices. These quick tests come with easy-to-follow instructions and pictorial representations for our better understanding. “These initiatives aim to empower consumers, enhance surveillance, and raise awareness about food safety across the country,” the report reads.

Also Read: Is the Milk You’re Drinking Safe? Check For Adulteration With These Simple Tests

FSSAI Initiative 2:

FSSAI has also launched the “Food Safety on Wheels” (FSW) initiative, where mobile food testing laboratories will be available, with essential infrastructure for on-the-spot qualitative testing. These vehicles will travel to public gatherings, schools, remote areas, and consumer organizations, “conducting quick tests for specific adulterants in commonly consumed food items like ghee, milk, sweets, and spices,” the report explains.

FSSAI Initiative 3:

Additionally, the food regulation body has come up with a food safety testing kit for school children, which is referred to as the “Food Safety Magic Box”. This portable box will contain a guidebook, enabling students to perform over 100 easy tests to detect contamination in various food products. As per the report, “This test will help in fostering awareness and promoting responsible consumer behavior from a young age in the country.”

Commenting on these initiatives, the officials from FFSAI state that they aim to combat food adulteration effectively across the country by creating awareness among people. Alongside, it is also empowering consumers to make informed choices about what they are consuming.

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