“In an unprecedented attack in Koutruk, alleged Kuki militants have deployed numerous RPGs (rocket-propelled grenades) using high-tech drones,” the Manipur Police said in a statement.”The involvement of highly trained professionals, possibly with technical expertise and support, cannot be ruled out. Authorities are closely monitoring the situation, and the police are prepared to respond to any contingency that may arise,” the police said.A senior police officer said the drones dropped at least seven “explosives” to target houses in Koutruk village, which lies in the foothills 20 km northwest from the state capital Imphal.Visuals from Koutruk that came this morning showed several houses and vehicles, including a construction truck, had been set on fire on Sunday night.Residents from this village had taken shelter at a school. They told local media the pattern of attacks has been to force villagers out of their homes with constant firing before burning the houses at night.The Director General of Police has ordered all district Superintendent of Police to remain on maximum alert and start carrying out combing operations in the foothills.The Kuki tribes are dominant in Kangpokpi district and the adjacent hills, while the Meiteis are dominant in Imphal valley areas, including Sekmai.In the attack by suspected Kuki insurgents at Koutruk on Sunday, a 31-year-old woman from the Meitei community was killed. Her 12-year-old daughter was among 10 injured, including two policemen and a local TV reporter.Kuki civil society groups have alleged the Meiteis began firing at Kuki villages in Kangpokpi first. They alleged the incident comes just days after purported audio tapes of Chief Minister N Biren Singh – now submitted to a probe panel of the Home Ministry – “proved” the Chief Minister started the Manipur crisis. The state government has called the tapes “doctored”.Manipur Congress vice president Lamtinthang Haokip, who belongs to the Kuki tribe, in a post on X alleged an attempt to ambush between Leimakhong and Kangchup route was thwarted by Kuki village volunteers, resulting in an exchange of fire.
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