Hive Of Bees Turn Up Uninvited At Madhya Pradesh Wedding, 12 Injured

In a shocking incident in Madhya Pradesh, a swarm of bees disrupted a wedding ceremony, leaving several guests injured. The incident took place during a wedding celebration in Guna district, where a hive of bees positioned on the hotel’s roof attacked attendees.

Eyewitnesses reported that the swarm descended upon the guests, stinging them relentlessly. Chaos ensued as people ran in panic, trying to escape the aggressive bees, show visuals from the site.

The hive on the roof of the Kasturi Garden Hotel, housing a large number of bees, sent the aggressive colony down to the garden where the wedding ceremony was taking place. The attack left nearly a dozen people injured, with some of them sustaining serious injuries.

Local authorities and emergency services were quick to respond to the situation. Medical teams rushed to the scene to provide immediate first aid to the injured guests. A few individuals with severe injuries were immediately admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for further treatment.

The hotel management is now under scrutiny to determine whether proper precautions were in place to avoid such incidents.

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