How Adani Foundation Transformed The Lives Of 18 Farmers In Maharashtra

The lives of over a dozen farmers in Gowari village in Maharashtra have been transformed. Thanks to a cement nala bund built by the Adani Foundation and ACC, a cement company owned by the Adani Group, as part of its CSR (corporate social responsibility) efforts.

The village in Yavatmal district had been facing water shortage due to unreliable rainfall and arid conditions. But the bund has recharged the groundwater table by increasing the number of functional borewells and expanding cultivable area by 11.78%. The embankment benefits 18 farmers and 25 hectares of farmland, according to a press release.

“The Adani Foundation collaborated with Dilasa Janvikas Pratishthan to initiate a project to build a Cement Nala Bund (CNB), with the aim of improving water retention and recharging the groundwater table,” the release said.

Earlier, limited water availability severely restricted cultivation for the 18 farmers, which also impacted their income.

But that’s not the case anymore.

For Bhaskar Wasekar, who is among the beneficiaries, it has proven to be transformative. Water availability on his land has increased by 75% from 4 to 7 hours per day. This has enabled him to expand his cultivable area, which allowed him to diversify his crops. This has increased his annual income by 35%, said the release.

“The cement nala bund has been a blessing. I no longer worry about water for my crops. Now, I can grow more, explore new crops, and ensure a secure future for my family,” said Mr Wasekar.

The other 17 farmers also saw similar impact on their lives.

“ACC and the Adani Foundation’s commitment to sustainable community development is highlighted through the collaborative efforts to drive positive, life-changing results, as seen in the CNB project. The project not only enhances the livelihoods of Gowari’s farmers but also instills hope and resilience within the community,” said the ACC and Adani Foundation.

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