Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has said if the INDIA bloc comes to power in the ongoing Lok Sabha election, it would “free” the judiciary from the “tremendous pressure” it is facing. This, he added, will lead to his release from jail on June 5, as all cases against him are “bogus”.
Mr Kejriwal had earlier said if the Opposition wins he would be free the day after results. Asked how he could make such a statement, Mr Kejriwal told PTI in an exclusive interview, “Judiciary is under tremendous pressure currently. Everyone knows how much pressure they are working under now”.
Asked if he meant a government by the INDIA bloc will put pressure on courts to have him freed, Mr Kejriwal said, “We will not put any pressure. But if the pressure is lifted from the judiciary then justice will start to be served fairly”.
“All the cases against me are bogus. There is no money trail anywhere. Not a single paisa has been traced. If there was corruption, where has the money gone?” he said.
Mr Kejriwal was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate on March 21 in connection with the Delhi liquor policy case.
On May 10, he was released from Tihar Jail on interim bail from the Supreme Court so he could join his party’s campaign for the ongoing Lok Sabha election. He has to surrender on June 2 — a day after the elections are over.
Leaders of the BJP have alleged that his bail amounts to special treatment — a comment the court has objected to. The judges who granted bail said they have “not made any exception”.
(With PTI)
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