
JEE Main 2024: Answer Key Out For Session 1 Exams, Check Deadline To Submit Challenges

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the provisional answer keys for the Joint Entrance Exams (JEE) Main 2024. The answer keys have been released for the Session 1 exams held for Paper 1 (BE/BTech), Paper 2A (BArch) and Paper 2B (BPlanning) along with the question papers and their recorded responses. 

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Candidates who wish to submit challenges to the provisional answer keys may visit the official website by February 8 and follow the procedure given in Annexure 1. They will be required to pay non-refundable processing fee of Rs 200 per question challenged. The agency mentioned that no challenge will entertained without receipt of the processing fee.

The payment for the processing fee can be made through, Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking till February 8, 2024 (up to 11:50 pm). The fee towards the challenge will not be accepted through any other mode.

The answer key will be revised and applied if challenges made by the candidate is found correct. The results will be prepared and declared based on the revised final answer keys. 

The students will not be informed about the acceptance/non acceptance of his/her challenge. The keys finalized by the experts after the settlement of the challenge will be final.

NTA conducted the JEE Main – 2024 Session 1 India on January 24, 27, 29, 30, 31 and February 1, 2024 at 544 centres located in 291 cities across the country. The exam was also conducted in 21 cities outside India.

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