Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Thursday offered a cryptic response to Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav’s “doors open” statement to rejoin the opposition INDIA bloc. When questioned by journalists about Mr Yadav’s remarks, Mr Kumar folded his hands, smiled, and curtly responded, “Kya bol rahe hain (What are you saying?)” without elaborating further.
This exchange comes in the wake of Mr Yadav’s statement during an interview, where he said, “Our doors are open for Nitish Kumar. He should also unbolt his gates. This would facilitate movement of people from both sides.”
#WATCH | Patna: Bihar CM Nitish Kumar reacts on being asked about Lalu Prasad Yadav’s statement.
— ANI (@ANI) January 2, 2025
Mr Yadav’s statement has since fueled speculation in Bihar about the possibility of another alliance between the two veteran leaders, often referred to as “bada bhai, chhota bhai” (big brother, little brother) in Bihar’s political circles.
Mr Yadav’s overture to Mr Kumar follows a history of turbulent alliances. Mr Kumar, leader of the Janata Dal (United), has aligned with the RJD twice in the last decade, most recently as part of the Mahagathbandhan before switching sides to rejoin the BJP-led NDA in 2024.
Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav, Lalu Prasad Yadav’s son and heir apparent in the RJD, downplayed his father’s remarks, suggesting they were made to “satisfy the curiosity of the media.” Speaking to journalists at the swearing-in ceremony of new Bihar Governor Arif Mohammad Khan, Tejashwi Yadav said, “What else would he (Lalu Yadav) say? He was simply addressing your questions.”
Tejashwi Yadav, however, added that the new year would witness the end of the Nitish Kumar-led NDA government. He further accused Mr Kumar of being “captive” to a small group of close advisors and no longer capable of running Bihar independently.
Union Minister and JD(U) leader Lalan Singh dismissed Lalu Yadav’s remarks. “The NDA is strong. JD(U) and BJP are united. People can say whatever they want – it is a free country,” he said.