
MPBSE MP Board 10th 12th Result 2024: Scorecards To Be Out Soon, Check Steps To Download

The Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) will soon announce the results for the Class 10 and 12 Board exams 2024. Candidates can check their results on the official websites – mpresults.nic.in and mpbse.nic.in.

Around 16 lakh students are awaiting the results. This year, 9,92,101 students and 7,48,238 female students appeared for the Class 10 and Class 12 board examinations.

In the Class 10 examination, a total of 5,15,762 male students and 4,76,339 female students appeared. In Class 12, 3,61,360 male students and 3,86,878 female students appeared.

The examinations were held at a total of 7,501 centers across the state. The MP Board Class 10 exams were conducted from February 5 to February 28, and the Class 12 exams were conducted from February 6 to March 5.

Students who are not satisfied with their results will be able to apply for the compartmental exam. Students who fail in two subjects or in one subject can apply for the compartmental exam.

MP Board Exams 2024 Result: Steps To Check

Go to mpresults.nic.inLog in with the required credentialsAfter logging in, you will see three links:MPBSE-HSC (Class 10th) Examination Result 2024MPBSE-HSSC (Class 12th) Examination Result 2024MPBSE HSSC (Class 12th) Vocational Examination Result 2024Click on the link for the result you want to checkEnter your application number and passwordYour result will be displayed on the screen.Download the result and take a printout.

Last year, the results of the MP board 10th and 12th were released on May 25.

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