Opinion: Lifehack: How To Guide ChatGPT Towards Giving You Exactly What You Want

ChatGPT is like a magical genie in a lamp. The trick is knowing the right wish to ask for! This guide covers the best practices of writing prompts that will make ChatGPT your ultimate AI collaborator, unlocking creativity, precision, and endless possibilities.

Why Effective Prompts Matter

Think of prompts as the fuel for ChatGPT’s engine. The quality of your prompts directly influences the quality of ChatGPT’s responses. With well-crafted prompts, you’ll get accurate answers, groundbreaking ideas, and outputs that are precisely what you had in mind. Much like bad directions, sloppy prompts lead to confused responses and wasted potential. Hence, writing effective prompts will help you get more accurate outputs from ChatGPT.

Key Elements of Effective Prompts

Specificity: Avoid vague instructions. Provide clear and focused requests for focused results. “Write a poem” is vague. “Write a haiku about a cat chasing a butterfly” is far betterContext: Give ChatGPT background information or examples to help it generate more nuanced and relevant responsesFormatting: Structure prompts in a way that’s easy for AI to understand. Break down complex prompts into steps or use bullet points for clarityIteration: Experiment and refine your prompts! The first draft will rarely be perfect. Refine prompts until you get the ideal resultTone: Set a tone to shape the style of response. Example: “Write a playful product description for a new line of eco-friendly toys” vs. a more formal description.

Prompt Writing Strategies

Now that you have read the key elements that make an effective prompt, here are strategies to help develop them into writing better prompts.

Command style: Consider it a direct request to complete a task. Best for straightforward tasks and requests in your prompts. For example: “Translate this poem into Spanish”;  “Generate 5 headlines for an article about sustainable fashion”Conversational Style: Think of it like a brainstorming session with a knowledgeable AI companion. Great for ideation and exploring possibilities. For example: “I’m starting a new podcast on living a sustainable life. Let’s come up with a few catchy name ideas”; “What are some unusual weekend trip destinations near [your city]?”Role-playing: Ask ChatGPT to embody a character or expert. This strategy is excellent for specialised outputs and tapping into specific knowledge domains of your chosen character or expert. For example: “You are a motivational speaker. Write an inspirational speech about overcoming obstacles”; “You are a marketing expert. Develop a social media campaign plan for a new plant-based food product”Open-ended Questions: Such prompts direct ChatGPT towards exploration, critical thinking, and unique perspectives in its response. For example: “If time travel were possible, what ethical dilemmas might we face?”; “How can technology be used to address the issue of climate change?”Scenario-Based Prompts: This style can present hypothetical situations for problem-solving, creative storytelling, or exploring “what-if” questions. For examples: “You’re stranded on a deserted island with limited resources. Write a survival plan for the first week”; “A company is facing a public relations crisis. Draft a press release to address the situation”

Also, remember that combining these strategies within a single prompt will help draw better and more precise results from ChatGPT.

Here are two examples of prompts that have combined a few of the strategies mentioned above.

You are a creative advertising copywriter working on a campaign for an e-commerce company. Create a list of 10 catchy and impactful slogans for a new app feature that will allow customers to wishlist frequently ordered items in the app for faster checkout. Keep them short and memorable. Include the keywords ‘sustainability,’ ‘eco-conscious,’ and ‘take action.’Let’s brainstorm some fun, Valentine’s Day-themed questions to engage our audience. Think about ways to connect ride-sharing with romance, friendship, or self-love.

Examples could be:

“Worst first-date experience? We’ve all been there. Share your story for a chance to win a ride credit!””What’s your ideal ‘Galentine’s’ day outing? Tag your crew!”

Prompt writing is a skill that will improve your interactions with ChatGPT. The more you experiment, the better you’ll understand how to guide it towards better outcomes.

(Anand Murali is a technophile exploring the impact of technology on society in India. One of his fundamental interests is understanding how digital privacy evolves and shapes the connected future.)

Disclaimer: These are personal opinions of the author

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