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Pics: Hot, Hot, Hot In Delhi, But Some Have No Escape

The ongoing heatwave in Delhi has been unrelenting with no respite in sight. With temperatures soaring over 40 degrees Celsius, stepping outside in the scorching sun has beome hazardous to health. The extreme weather conditions in the national capital and other parts of northern India have left millions vulnerable to heat strokes. Here’s a glimpse of what the ongoing summer looks like in Delhi-

People take a dip in the Yamuna River for some respite from the unprecedented heat in Delhi.

A worker takes off his safety helmet while working on Delhi’s new railway bridge across the Yamuna River in the scorching sun.

An NDMC tanker fills water to keep a fountain running in Delhi’s Connaught Place.

Tree leaves turn dry in Central Delhi due to the ongoing heatwave.

Yamuna river flows much below normal levels at the Old Bridge behind the Red Fort.

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