Priyanka Chopra‘s brother’s wedding functions are currently taking place with grandeur in Mumbai, which is why the Love Again actress made a homecoming entry recently at Mumbai airport. The affair saw Priyanka dazzle as she turned up in a ruby pink sequin Manish Malhotra saree for the occasion. Priyanka Chopra dished out her signature desi girl avatar for younger brother Siddharth’s wedding dinner party. Priyanka was seen draped in a deep pink ruby hued chiffon saree from the shelves of the designer, Manish Malhotra. The exquisite looking ensemble featured a sequin and beadwork embroidered border, palla and hemline. She teamed this look with a matching bralette-style sleeveless blouse that had thin straps and floral sequin embellished embroidery.
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On the accessories front, Priyanka went with a statement layered pearl necklace with rubies intertwined in between the strings of white pearls, a cuffed diamond Bvlgari Serpenti bracelet, her wedding solitaire ring and another diamond ring adorned on her fingers. She also carried an unmissable black and silver Swarovski-encrusted Bvlgari handbag as arm candy for the occasion.
As for her hair and makeup choices of the day, Priyanka Chopra wore her hair styled in a curled top knot with a centre-parted wavy fringe falling from her crown downward, beautifully framing her face. For her makeup for the night, Priyanka chose fluffy brows, shimmery eyeshadow on the lids, lots of mascara, a hint of deep berry toned blush on her cheeks and a statement ruby coloured matte lipstick that matched her desi girl look to perfection.
The pictures posted on social media from the function shows Priyanka Chopra, her mother Dr. Madhu Chopra and her family and friends making appearances at the events. The mother-daughter duo of Madhu and Priyanka hosted the intimate wedding party for Siddharth and his fiancé Neelam Upadhyaya.
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