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Organ Donor In US Wakes Up On Operating Table As Doctors Prepare To Remove His Heart

A nightmarish incident unfolded at a US hospital when an organ donor woke up on…

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BJP’s Huge Membership Drive In Madhya Pradesh Hit By False Data Row

The BJP has announced a milestone in its membership campaign in Madhya Pradesh, claiming to…

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IIM Indore Launches Executive Programme To Empower Future Business Leaders

In an era where business leaders must adeptly harness emerging technologies, the Indian Institute of…

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Video: People Left Hanging Upside Down After Carnival Ride Malfunctions In US

Visitors at an amusement park in the US were stuck upside down for about 15…

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“We Aren’t Police…”: RBI Chief Day After 4 Firms Banned From Giving Loans

Reserve Bank Governor Shaktikanta Das on Friday said that the central bank does not act…

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Opinion: Blog | How Indian Americans – Just 1% Of US Population – Are Gaining Political Clout

The roughly 2.1 million Indian American voters are just a small section of the 161…

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