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Ragi Hot Chocolate Recipe: Proof That Health And Happiness Can Coexist In A Steamy Cup!

There’s a delightful tradition that warms both hearts and hands in winter. We are talking about everyone’s favourite- hot chocolate. This velvety chocolatey drink is not only a beloved companion during the festive Christmas season but also a go-to comfort drink for those seeking solace from the winter cold. However, what if we told you that there’s a way to savour the richness of hot chocolate with a healthier twist? Enter: Ragi Hot Chocolate, a wholesome concoction that combines the decadence of hot chocolate with the nutritional benefits of ragi, making it a guilt-free delight. 

Also Read: Winter Special: Give A Twist To Hot Chocolate With These 3 Delicious Recipes

Is Hot Chocolate A Healthy Drink?

Let’s address the question lingering on many minds: Is hot chocolate a healthy drink? Traditionally, hot chocolate has been associated with indulgence, often laden with sugar and corn flour. While it provides comfort and a dose of happiness, the conventional recipe may not align with health-conscious choices. Instagram handle ‘somewhatchef’ shared the recipe for ragi hot chocolate while revealing the reasons to try this healthy hot chocolate drink. 

Why Add Ragi? The Health Benefits of Ragi:

Cornflour in a large quantity is often used as a thickening agent to make hot chocolate by restaurants. This healthy hot chocolate recipe is made with Ragi/finger millet which is rich in calcium, fibre and protein. This premix is the easiest way to include millets in your kids’ diet and more Ragi into our diet. The chocolate drink mix is a source of Protein, Dietary Fibre, Iron and Calcium with other vital nutrients. It is a great combination of millet, nuts and cocoa. It gives a chocolate nutty taste.

Also Read: Watch: How To Make Winter-Special Hot Chocolate At Home In Just 5 Minutes

Now, let’s transform your regular hot chocolate into a wholesome and nourishing Ragi Hot Chocolate with the following recipe: 

How To Make Ragi Hot Chocolate I Ragi Hot Chocolate Recipe:

Combine the dry ingredients of almond flour, ragi flour, jaggery, cinnamon and cocoa powder in a blender, and blend ensuring a thorough mix. Store the resulting premix in an airtight container, allowing for easy access whenever the craving for Ragi Hot Chocolate strikes. 

To prepare a single serving, heat and bring 250ml of milk to a gentle boil in a pan. Add a tablespoon of the Ragi Chocolate Premix and the decadent dark chocolate. 

Whisk the mixture well until it thickens to your desired consistency. Serve this delightful concoction piping hot, allowing the wholesome goodness of ragi to complement the richness of chocolate. 

Watch the full recipe video here: 

As winter settles in and the aroma of festive cheer fills the air, embrace the warmth and goodness of Ragi Hot Chocolate. 

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