Delhi Police has arrested a member of the Kala Jathedi and Priyavart gang following a shootout in Khera Khurd village in Rohini area, police said on Sunday.
Ajay Joon (33) is a gangster with more than 15 cases of murder, attempt to murder, abduction and extortion registered against him in Delhi and Haryana, an officer said.
“We received information that Joon will reach Khera Khurd village so a trap was laid. We saw Joon on a motorcycle and he was signalled to stop. In an effort to flee, he opened fire on the police raiding party,” said Additional Commissioner of Police (crime) Sanjay Bhatia.
A total of nine rounds — five by the accused and four by the police team were fired and eventually, the team overpowered him, Sanjay Bhatia said.