UK Woman Runs Over, Kills Boyfriend After ”Losing Her Temper” In An Argument

A 23-year-old woman in the UK killed her boyfriend by running him over with her car after an argument at a birthday party. According to Telegraph, Alice Wood, 23, is accused of murdering Ryan Watson, 24, by dragging him along a 160m stretch underneath her car. The incident happened outside their home in Rode Heath, Cheshire, on May 6 last year. 

After mowing him down, she stopped her car, knocked on a door, and told the homeowner: ”Please phone an ambulance. I think I’ve run over my boyfriend.”

When police arrived, Wood was arrested and told an officer: ”It’s fine, I deserve it”.

Witnesses told the court that Ms. Watson was seen having a good time at the birthday party, however, Wood was a “bit cold”. The party was in Hanley for a user of the Headway brain injury charity, where Mr Watson was a support worker. 

The couple left the party with Wood driving her boyfriend’s Fiat as they made their way home. It is assumed that they had an argument following which he got out of the car and kicked it in anger. The woman then got behind the wheel of her own Fiesta and drove directly into him twice, carrying him under the car for more than 150 meters. 

He died from crush asphyxiation injuries and was found in a pool of blood with his leg sticking out from under the car. 

Prosecutor Andrew Ford KC said, ”Whilst deeply serious and tragic, we say this is a simple case. She lost her temper and argued with her boyfriend when they were drunk, in a motorcar. Things became fraught, he got out, kicked a door, and she lost her cool and used the car as a weapon.”

”As Mr. Watson got out, Ms Wood reversed towards him and almost hit him, before driving it backwards and forwards in what one witness described as a ‘game of chicken”, Mr Ford added.

Ms Wood said she had drunk two glasses of white wine, two rums, and a glass of champagne and was found to have 61 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath, compared to the legal limit of 35. 

However, she denies murder. The trial is due to last for three weeks at Chester Crown Court.

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