
UP Police Constable Exam 2023: Final Answer Key Released, Merit List To Be Out on This Date

UP Police Constable Result 2024: The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) has issued the final answer key. Candidates who took the examination can access the answer key on the official website until November 9, 2024. According to the Board, the list of selected candidates for the next selection process will be released in the third week of November. Approximately 48 lakh candidates had appeared in the examination.

The UPPRPB has published the final answer key for the Constable Recruitment 2023 written examination following a thorough review of objections submitted by candidates and reports from subject matter experts.

“The marks for the questions that were annulled in each shift will be awarded as per the directive given in the Honorable High Court of Allahabad’s decision in writ petition number 2669/2009, Pawan Kumar Agrahari vs. UPPSC,” the Board stated in an official notice.

“The UPPRPB is actively working towards the prompt publication of the written examination results. It is anticipated that in the third week of November, UPPRPB will release the list of selected candidates for the next selection process, DVPST. Official information regarding this will be provided in due course on the Board’s website,” it added.

The UPPRPB will also release the cut-off marks based on different categories along with the results.

Candidates who pass the written exam will be invited to participate in the Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), and document verification, with more details to be shared later.

UP Police Constable Result 2024: Exam Format

The written examination for the UP Police Constable position was conducted for a total of 300 marks, featuring 150 questions divided into four sections:

  • General Knowledge
  • General Hindi
  • Numerical and Mental Ability
  • Mental Aptitude, IQ, and Logical Reasoning
  • The test duration was set at 3 hours (or 180 minutes).
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