World Food Safety Day 2024: A Guide To Providing Safe Food To Your Family

Food isn’t just sustenance; it’s the cornerstone of our well-being. While nutritious meals bolster our health, unsafe foods can invite a host of illnesses. This is why we observe World Food Safety Day every June 7, an initiative led by the World Health Organization (WHO) to highlight the significance of safe food practices. Safe and hygienic food is important for good health. Every small step goes a long way in bringing food safety on a larger scale. And this can start with our kitchens! Let’s make every day World Food Safety Day by prioritising safety in our kitchens.

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World Food Safety Day 2024: Theme And Objective

This year’s theme is ‘Food safety: prepare for the unexpected.’ WHO writes on its website, “World Food Safety Day on June 7, 2024, highlights food safety incidents, stressing the importance of readiness in facing them, no matter their severity.”

Food safety incidents entail potential or confirmed health risks linked to food consumption, arising from accidents, insufficient controls, fraud, or natural events. While policymakers, authorities, and food producers bear responsibilities, consumers also have a vital role to play.
To maintain food safety in your home, you can follow some straightforward yet essential practices, and fortify your home against foodborne risks, safeguarding your family’s health.

Also Read: Sticking To Home-Cooked Meals? Here Are 10 Tips To Practice Food Safety

Maintain food safety at home too.
Photo Credit: iStock

World Food Safety 2024: Here Are 5 Tips To Ensure Food Safety At Home:

1. Maintain Hygiene:

After each cooking session, ensure thorough washing of hands, utensils, countertops, and gas stoves. Regular daily cleaning with deeper cleans every few days inhibits bacterial growth. This simple practice significantly reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses. 

2. Handle Raw Foods with Care:

Raw foods, such as meats and seafood, are breeding grounds for harmful bacteria. Keep them refrigerated at all times and separate from cooked foods to prevent cross-contamination. This precaution minimizes the spread of pathogens and maintains food freshness. 

3. Fortify Kitchen Defenses:

Pests like insects and rodents can carry diseases and contaminate food. Ensure all kitchen outlets leading outdoors are tightly sealed to prevent their entry. Additionally, install protective nets on windows to create an additional barrier against small insects. These measures safeguard your kitchen environment and protect your family’s health.

4. Maintain Produce Purity:

Even organic produce can harbour harmful bacteria and pesticides. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water before consumption, regardless of their source. This simple step eliminates surface contaminants and reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses.

5. Master Precision Cooking:

Cooking food to the correct internal temperature is crucial for killing harmful bacteria. Use a food thermometer to ensure meats, poultry, seafood, and other perishables reach safe cooking temperatures. This practice guarantees that your meals are not only delicious but also safe for consumption.
Together, we can create a healthier and safer environment for ourselves and our families. Happy World Food Safety Day 2024!

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