Videos of snake catchers often go viral on social media because they perform a job that most people would find terrifying. These rescuers frequently amaze us with their skill in capturing potentially dangerous serpents. Recently, a video of a daring snake rescue by a woman in Chhattisgarh went viral on social media. The video was shot at DLS PG College’s Office premises in Bilaspur.
The video shows Ajita Pandey approaching the office with remarkable composure and casually strolling over to a table, where she discovers a snake trapped behind a computer system. She carefully grasps the reptile with gentle precision, leaving the staff in wonder and astonishment. When asked if the snake is venomous, Ajita identifies it as non-venomous. She then skillfully rescues the snake, safely securing it in a sack, showcasing her expertise. After a successful rescue mission, she walked out of the office with a beaming smile, as employees cheered her.
Watch the video here:
”This is an Indian rat snake (Dhaman)/ It probably slithered into this space to eat rats. Do not get scared,” she said and gave tips to the staff members on what to do if they encounter a similar situation again.
Internet users were fascinated with the video and lauded her for her skill and expertise. One user wrote, ”She is one brave lady.” Another commented, ”Such a calm and composed demeanour. Haven’t seen any female snake rescuers on social media before. Kudos to the lady.”
A third enquired, ”Don’t it bite when you catch it? What is the technique to catch them?” “She is so cool,” a fourth added.
Ms Pandey, a resident of Bilaspur, is a dedicated nursing officer, a passionate snake rescuer, and a committed animal rescuer. Her impressive achievements have also earned her a place in the prestigious Golden Book of World Records. To share her work with a wider audience, she maintains an Instagram page, @invincible._ajita, where she regularly posts thrilling animal rescue videos.