“Why Don’t We Adopt Economic Nationalism?” Vice President’s Pitch

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Sunday pitched for “economic nationalism”, saying if Indians pledge to use locally manufactured products, it will boost the economy and millions will get jobs.

Speaking at a programme on the death anniversary of RSS ideologue Deendayal Upadhyay at Dhankya near Jaipur, Mr Dhankhar said the country, which was among the “fragile five” before 2014 has now become the fifth largest economy in the world.

“What was the situation of India before 2014? We were counted among the ‘Fragile Five’. India’s name was among those five countries of the world which were becoming a burden on the world,” he said.

“Today we have moved from the ‘Fragile Five’ – from the bottom 5 – to the top 5. We have left behind Canada, England and France. We have left behind those who ruled us for centuries and in the coming two-three years, we will definitely leave Germany and Japan behind to become the world’s third largest economic power,” the vice president said.

Mr Dhankhar said that India is now the favourite destination for investments and opportunities.

“Why don’t we adopt economic nationalism? Do we feel good when things like lamps, candles, kites, furniture, cotton, clothes, toys come to our country from outside?” he said.

Underscoring the importance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘vocal for local’, Mr Dhankhar said, “If today the citizen of India takes a pledge that as far as possible, he will use only the goods manufactured in the country, then our economic reserves will increase, crores of hands will get work and a huge revolution will take place.”

Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma and other leaders of the BJP also attended the programme.

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